Teacher appreciation gift
Yay!!! Today was the last day of school. My kids had a great Tombola day but now they are really happy to finally be on VACATION!!! I did not know what to give the teachers as an appreciation gift, so of course I went to do some research on Pinterest and found a great idea.
How cool are those? The tag reads “It’s so refreshing to have a teacher like you” in French. I changed it a little bit from the pin that I found on Pinterest by adding an apple instead of a circle in the middle of my tag. Here is the link to the original idea: https://crazylittleprojects.com/2014/04/teacher-appreciation-gifts-cute-cups-printable-tags.html.
The teachers and bus driver were really happy. They though it was a really nice and original gift. Inside the cup I placed a thank you card with a nice note, and a 10$ gift certificate to Tim Horton’s for some refreshing Iced Cappuccino!
It’s the first time I actually make something to give my kids teachers instead of just buying something already made. From their reactions when they received this gift, I’ll always take the time to think and make something nice for them. After all, they teach and take care of my little monsters all year, it’s the least I can do!
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Anna Fitfunner says
This is so cute! I’m in awe of how much creativity you can display on a regular basis. All that I can work up to is movie certificates and flowers. Your kids’ teachers are super lucky to have your gifts!
Caroline Barnes says
Thanks Anna but I did have some help from Pinterest!
Lola V says
super original! pinterest is such an addiction! i ca be there for hours
Caroline Barnes says
Thanks, so can I!
tisonly143 says
what a wonderful idea and why not, Teachers play such a huge role in our childrens lives : ) thanks for share
Caroline Barnes says
Thanks. Your right, teachers are so important in our children’s live.