No matter how much money you have, making a budget is essential. Why? To take control of your personal finances, to plan and attain your financial goals and to help you see exactly where your money is going.
It’s not all to make a budget, the hard part is to stick with it. That’s where a lot of people, me included, have problems. You can’t go and spend money you don’t have.
When making a budget, it is really important to allow some money for personal spendings and unforeseen events.
Knowing where your money goes gives you the opportunity to better manage it. You can adjust your spendings accordingly.
It also gives you the chance to know how much you can save to attain your goals and how long it will take to attain them (trip, car, renovation, special project…).
Here is the great program I’ve been using for several years now and I greatly recommend it :
You can download this program for about $30.00 and trust me, it’s money well spent. The program is easy to download and install on your computer and just as easy to use. Have all the info regarding your incomes and spendings and you are ready to start! Once all the info is entered, make sure you verify your budget often (at least once a week) to update any changes.
Take control of your finances before they control you.
Hope you try it. If you do, please comment and let me know what you think.
Thanks for reading.
For 10 years, I used an excel spreadsheet to track my finances. To. the. penny. It was really good to see where my money went and what lifestyle changes I needed to make to live beneath my means. I’m now in maintenance mode and for me, stopping the tracking (a few years ago) was the best thing. I was getting too obsessed with the money and not enjoying all that I’d worked hard for. Everything in moderation I guess.
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Besos, Sarah
Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo