If you have kids, you’ve probably waited in an emergency room for several hours in order to get a prescription for your sick child. We all have busy lives, and the last thing we want to do is waste a day at the emergency. I can’t even count how many days I had to take off work to bring my kids to the emergency or to see my doctor. Most of the time, at my own expense. Not counting the few times I was sick. What if I told you it’s possible to reach a doctor by phone, mobile app, or from your computer and get a prescription sent directly to your pharmacy. Well you can with AMWEL (American Well).
In a few clicks, you are connected to a board certified licensed doctor for an online visit, day or night in the comfort of your home! How awesome is that? You enroll, choose your doctor and speak to a doctor, no appointment needed. It’s so simple and convenient. Don’t you just love technology?
Commonly treated conditions include Bronchitis, cough, sinus infection, sore throat, urinary tract infection, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, pinkeye, flu, sprains and strains, cold, respiratory infection, headache, depression, anxiety, weight concerns, smoking cessation.
Why use Amwell?
- Lower cost: An average visit at the doctor costs $82 but with Amwell you get a visit from the comfort of you home 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for only $49. This is a saving of $33, not counting the time you’ll save.
- Accessibility: Amwell is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- Convenience: No appointment needed, no need to travel. You can see a doctor from the comfort of your home.
- Quick prescription: At the end of your online video visit, have a prescription, if needed, quickly sent to your pharmacy.
- Peace of mind: Obtain an opinion from a certified licenses doctor.
As per this article from the Wall Street Journal, Amwell is positioning itself to be “the Amazon of health care”: https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-telemedicine-is-transforming-health-care-1466993402.
Watch this little video to learn more about Amwell.
Want to try Amwell? Get your 1st visit for $1. Use code HEALTHY42
(This is a sponsored conversation from Mums the Word Network and Amwell. All opinions are my own)
Thanks for visiting Do It All Working Mom.
katherine bartlett says
We’ve used Amwell when my daughter was since during the night!
Caroline Barnes says
It’s so convenient to be able to contact a doctor even at nigh time.