Last week, I shared with you my Christmas Inside Decoration Ideas and today, I am sharing my Christmas Container and Outdoor Decoration Ideas. Easy Christmas projects that will make your home inviting for the Holidays.
I like to keep my Christmas decorations simple, not to expensive, rustic and easy to make. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have lots of time to spend decorating, but I still want things to look great.
This Christmas container is really easy to make. First I added foam to the bottom of my container, then I added little branches that I found in my yard in the middle of the container. After that I used some of the branches that my husband had cut from the bottom our Christmas tree and I placed them all around the other branches. I added a red ribbon around the container, fake pine cones, bows and burlap in the container.
You can see how nice the container looks on my front deck. I decorated our front door with fake pine, ornaments and decorative red poly mesh netting. I added a nice wreath and my kids added window decals on the inside, and my husband took care of piling wood in front the of the door. No comments LOL.
I hung ornaments along the deck and above the front door. I also installed decorative poly mesh netting along the railing. There are Christmas lights under the netting, it looks really nice at night time.
I’ve decorated our shed with a hay wreath and decorative poly mesh netting.
Hope I inspired you!
You can find more Christmas ideas here: Christmas
Your house is gorgeous and I think your decorating taste really complements the facade. I love the rustic/natural look. Plus, it looks kid friendly!
I never think to decorate outside, there are some great ideas here!
I love how you decorated your front porch!! I would love to decorate mine the way some day!
I love it, it looks beautiful. I wish I could be this creative.
Very cute ideas! Your house looks really festive.
Beautiful! I LOVE the idea of hanging the Christmas ornaments outside! I think I might try that! Thanks for the inspiration 🙂
This looks great and so festive ..I need to get on decorating 🙂
I never think about decorating our door. Once we put up the lights, we are done. Your decorations are breath-taking…..
Thanks you so much! There’s a lot more I would love to do but then I think of after Christmas when I have to remove and store all the decorations!!!
I love the porch all decked out in fir! I love to decorate the outside of my home in classic decor – warm red ribbons on a beautiful wreath. Tasteful – not gaudy. Like this!
Love your decorations! We decorated this weekend as well 🙂
Great ideas! Lovely porch, too! So festive.
Thanks, Tiffany.