The end of may is here and you can now plant you annuals without any worries of frost. I planted mine last week and really like the results.
Planting annuals in containers is pretty easy but you need to follow some simple steps.
1- Choose your plants well. Choose short & vigorous plants. Watch for pests. Shake the plants and look under the leaves to make sure there are no insects on the plant. Don’t choose plants if roots are coming out of the box or container. Make sure you choose good plants for the area you plan on putting your containers in (shade or sun).
2- Get good potting soil.
3- Select you container, fill it to about 3/4 with potting soil. Plant your selected annuals then fill the container with potting soil. Press down a little and water well.
4- Fertilize with either a slow release shake and feed (Miracle Grow) or 15-30-15.
5- It’s important to check your containers daily to make sure they have enough water.
Here are some picture of the containers I’ve made. Hope they inspire you a little.
(I did not make that hanging flower but I choose the same ones every year. They are easy to maintain and pests free…. so each year, I get 3).
Did you plant your annuals yet? What is your favorite one?
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