If like me you have weeds in your driveway or tile cracks, there is an easy and natural way to kill those weeds fast.
Kill Weeds with vinegar
You will need:
4 litres of white vinegar
2 cups of salt
1/4 cup of dish detergent
Place all the ingredients in a large sprayer bottle and mix. Spray the weeds in the morning right after the dew. Choose a sunny day with no rain in the forecast.
After 3 hours in the sun, all those weeds will burn and die. Magical! Amazing! Not only does this work just as good as Round-up, but it’s inexpensive, children and animal safe and really easy to prepare.
When spaying this vinegar solution, make sure not to spray any plants or flowers or they will burn as well.
If you only have a small surface to cover, you can divide the recipe and use a small spray bottle. If you have a large surface to cover, you may need to do this a few times, but the result I’m showing you on the above picture is after one application only.
Hope this helps you get rid of unwanted weeds.
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